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Our purpose is to help create winning brands.


Marketing Consultancy

If its an easy problem to solve, you'd do it yourself. But if it's a problem you've been grappling with for a while, or if you've tried various things and nothing's worked, you may want to give us a call. Finding a unique position for your brand, addressing new segments, adding a new category to your portfolio, creating relevance, identifying new category codes - there's a good chance that we'll find an elegant solution.


Brand Communication

Why does 90% of all communication fail to work at the marketplace? Perhaps it lacked an insight. Or was difficult to comprehend. Or, it was simply not clutter-breaking. Well, we create communication that works. That connects with the intended consumer. That makes her think. And act. In the past three years, two of our TVCs were among the top 5 ads watched on Youtube.

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Brand Strategy

Strategy is not about today, but about what will work tomorrow. How will consumer needs evolve, what new aspirations will take shape, how will behaviour change, what's cool today but will become generic tomorrow, what kind of competition to expect - these are some of the questions we try to answer when we work on a brand's strategy.


Design & Identity

Design is not just about a good-looking logo and an eye-catching identity. It is about the kind of brand you are. It should reflect your brand's personality, communicate it's purpose, and signal its ambition. A brand's design is a visual representation of everything your brand is about.

Our Clients

Himalaya Oral Care

How do you challenge dominant leader brands? How do you find fresh insights in a 100 year old product category? How do you manage a complex architecture of a brand that's yet to establish itself?

Himalaya Men

How do you extend a brand essentially meant for women into the male territory? How do you get men to become grooming conscious? How do you make effective use of a property like IPL?

Himalaya Russia

How do you create relevance for a new set of consumers? How do you formulate an entry strategy for a completely new geography? How do you create premium for a mass-market brand?


How do you tweak a brand to create relevance with new consumers? How do you get people to buy products that they currently don't buy online? How do you get consumers to get excited about yet another online sale? How do you create new brands for new services?


Why have some product categories failed to take off in India despite the presence of big brands and big investments? How do you identify new product opportunities? When is it most likely that a consumer will try your brand? How does a brand respond to a new consumer trend?


How do you get your consumers to upgrade to more premium products? How do you get your consumers to use your product more often? How do you position your brand differently when many other brands similar to yours have failed to create an impression with the consumer?


How does one small difference in a product feature lead to the creation of a vastly different brand? How do you make your business partners feel a sense of pride when they work with you? How do you make people feel differently about their work?


How do you catch the attention of business leaders at a conference? How do you make your customers feel happy about working with you? How do you communicate a complex benefit?


How do you encourage people to start using a new payment app? How do you communicate product benefits in a new category? How do you present a consistent brand look across vastly different environments?